What happened the first hundred years in your family?

Jeannette Holland Austin
2 min readApr 18, 2022

We all have our own personal history to tell. I was born before the second World War, often referred to as WWII. But my great uncles had experienced WWI, as Navy men. After that war ended, they all made a career of the Navy.

I recall my uncles visiting their sister, Mary Brent (my grandmother) during WWII. Uncle Herbert, a fat, jolly man would entertain us by playing the piano, while Uncle Milton played the violin. Then off they would go to war, somewhere in the Pacific.

Long after WWII, however, when I was a young woman, I became keenly interested in the Chambliss lineage.

Specifically, the grave of Christopher Chambliss, our Revolutionary War Soldier. Uncle Gene, retired, well educated and versed, was keenly interested to learning more about this soldier. Uncle Gene’s 1950s Ford automobile, gears, clutch and all, took us in search of an old grave around Macon, Georgia.

There was a problem to be solved. An application to the D.A.R (Daughters of the American Revolution) connecting our Revolutionary War Soldier, Christopher Chambliss appeared to contain an error concerning his birthplace. Also, a professional genealogist had previously traced the lineage, and upon further examination, it appeared that more data was required to establish real facts. This era of tracing ancestors (the 1930s) had its limitations, as the census records had not been indexed, and many of the immigration and other records were unavailable.

