The Changing Picture of Americans

Jeannette Holland Austin
2 min readSep 5, 2024

I was surprised to learn how many undocumented illegal people occupy Georgia. In 2016, 400,000 undocumented immigrants comprised 36 percent of the immigrant population and 4 percent of the total state population.

According to, there are an estimated 339,000 unauthorized immigrants in Georgia. These immigrants' top countries of birth are Mexico, Guatemala, India, El Salvador, Honduras, and Asia.

Most immigrants in Sandy Springs are from Mexico. From what I have seen of these people, they are hard workers. In a sense, Mexicans are America’s cousins. Generally, they are not the population that is committing atrocious crimes. That group is labeled as illegal aliens, and one sees them robbing shopping centers, nabbing automobiles, breaking into homes, and obnoxiously demonstrating in the streets with their signs.

The current rage in this part of the country is communist-orientated haters of the Jewish population. They support murdering Israelis and probably receive their pay from Palestinian hate groups. And, we could care less about college graduates who think that they are abused in some manner, with their parental support and the government carrying the heavy load. The little darlings own the DEI generation. Georgia lags in education, coming in 26th overall.

