Mixed-up Dates

Jeannette Holland Austin
2 min readJun 24, 2021
Old Classics

Just like old classical autos can be lots of trouble, so can finding the ancestors. One of the major reasons is the mix-up of dates, specifically the generation in which a person belongs. There are lots of people with identical names. However, each should be rendered on its particular family group sheet.

Although it is sometimes funny when a genealogist lists a person 100 years old having children. This occurs when a traced generally is accepted without verifying records. Hmmm.

The best method of adding the correct person is to locate a record, such as census records and every county document you can find, viz: marriages, deeds, old wills, annual returns and estates, etc. Then create a family group sheet for that generation. I mean, for your direct ancestors as well as cousins. First cousins share the share grandparents. And so on back. Remember that. Understanding where the children belong will clarify future research efforts.

Also, in the past, people had more children. I have a Camp ancestor who had 24 children (by two wives). I verified the probable date of birth, marriage, date, place, etc. for each person before adding them to the family group sheet. A good method is 33.3 years per generation. Although people did not generally live beyond 50 or 60 years in past generations, there were some oldies too!

A guideline which most people forget is the local militia. Each county was required to have a militia and the age of soldiers was 16 to 50. That is why you need to check the militia records, particularly before and after the Revolutionary War.

