A Brave Polish Hero Who Helped to Win the American Revolutionary War

Jeannette Holland Austin
3 min readFeb 22, 2024
Drawing courtesy of Allposters.com

Thaddeus Kosciuszko was born in 1746 in the palatinate of Brescia, Lithuania. The Republic of Lithuania is a country in the Baltic region of Europe. It is one of three Baltic states and lies on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea.

He was once an independent grand duchy containing some 60,000 square miles which was united to Poland in 1569 and now forms the Russian provinces of Wilna, Grodno, and Minsk.

When reading the classics in his youth this noble patriot became enraptured with the vision of a Republic.

Note: The United States is a Republic, not a Democracy. A Democracy institutes “mob rule.”

Kosciuszko completed his education by studying a military course. He wanted to be better prepared to battle for the inalienable rights of mankind.

When the story of the American Revolution reached him, he enrolled his name with those who dared to make an effort to be free.

On his arrival in America, George Washington appointed him a Colonel of Engineers and one of his aids. His undaunted bravery on all occasions, his patriotic zeal, his amiable disposition, his purity of life, his noble bearing — all combined to endear him to the Army and every friend of freedom.

