It is Time to Exchange Social Media for Private Subscriptions

Jeannette Holland Austin
2 min readApr 15, 2024

“Anything you post on Social Media can be used against you.” Retain that thought as you spend hours writing excellent articles for someone to read!

There was a time when social media was a pleasant experience. We could communicate with friends and relatives without being scammed—or so we thought. The result was that our data was sold. Further, DNA tests sent to 23andMe were recently stolen off the web. Any reasonable person can assume that the dark media paid heavily for this data. After all, it is data that can be used to rob you in so many categories….health, big pharma, physical attacks, theft, bribery, police, justice department, FBI, and many others. Just wait until ESG (Environmental Social Governance) gets hold of it!

Social Media is becoming unsafe. In trillions of ways, the clutter could be more convenient to use.

  1. Too many ads
  2. There are too many repulsive pictures of beans and other veggies depicting diseases.
  3. There are too many one-liners, and you need help finding the article.
  4. Too much repetitive data. Do you guys ever write your version of a story?
  5. There are too many photos of near-naked women at Hollywood events.
  6. Too many pictures of unpunished crime.

